DIY Recycling Centre
We are GREAT recyclers in our house! Each week on garbage day I see that we (seem to) have more recycling out than any of our neighbours. Nope, we don’t consume any more or any less than anyone else, but we do make a concentrated effort to keep as much out of the landfill as possible. […]
How to Attach Drawer Slides
This is one of those posts that might seem boring today, but will be one you’ll want to pin and refer back to down the road. I built a recycling centre last weekend (the completed project will be on the blog tomorrow) and I struggled with figuring out how to attach the drawer slides. I […]
Storing Paint Thinner
Hubby bought me some AMAZING Christmas gifts this year. Granted he didn’t know he bought them for me until they arrived on the front porch, so he too was surprised with his brilliance. Nope, no sparkly wishes over here… When winter finally hits in my area (like yesterday at -20 celsius), nothing warms your heart (and […]