Free birdhouse plans

Free birdhouse plans for not one, but two different birdhouses! Measurements, cut lists and instructions for these DIY birdhouses – each coming in at less than $4 in wood! One of my most popular posts of all time is the time I shared Ana White’s birdhouse plans. It was easy, inexpensive, and has lasted from […]
Build your own trash and recycling centre

With free building plans from Ana White, I was able (as a beginner) to build my own trash and recycling centre for my kitchen and create a bit of extra counter space at the same time! We are GREAT recyclers in our house! (I’m so modest lol) We don’t consume any more or any less […]
Tea caddy / Hot cocoa caddy

If you’ve got scrap wood bits – even as small as 4″ – you can whip out this adorable tea caddy / hot cocoa caddy in no time! Make one for your Mom, your sister, your bestie and of course, yourself. I wish I had the plans for this tea caddy / hot cocoa caddy […]
Slatted plant stand for a bay window

Do you have a bay window? One that lets in lots of natural light, but is impossible to fit a piece of furniture in? Today I’m showing how I made a slatted plant stand to take advantage of the light without taking up much space. My Aunt has a green thumb. It’s kind of irritating […]

Short on space and money, but need extra storage in your bathroom? This easy DIY over-the-toilet shelf is a perfect fit! Did you know that 4.4 million Canadians rent their home? In the U.S., roughly 36% of the population live in rental units. That’s a LOT! I have nothing against rental units other than that […]
Ironing board storage

This ironing board storage solution is from Ana White, so please click over to her Iron Board Holder post for the details. What I will share are the changes I made to her building plans – just a couple, don’t worry. This is (essentially) what you will build following Ana’s plans; an 18″ by 20″ […]
Garage Organization – Easy Garage Shelving

Low on space, but high on “stuff” – try this easy garage shelving to increase your storage capacity and organize your space. My garage is my workshop. When I say “my” garage I mean the half of our two-car garage that I’ve filled with tools, wood, furniture, and paint. The other half is “his garage” […]