Adding touches of Fall to your decor

Instead of going all-out-pumpkin, this year I decided to make my Fall decor more “seasonal” (versus “festive”). With a few inexpensive touches, our Fall family room is warm, cozy and loaded with texture. Oh guys, I’m so happy! The weather has finally turned (even if it’s only briefly) from the crazy humidity of the past […]
Fall Family Room

Do you decorate your home for each season? Today I’m showing our Fall family room and the few, simple touches I brought in to create a warm and welcoming room for our family to enjoy. I’m LATE! I hate being late! Especially since I put out my Fall decor a couple of weeks ago. But […]
Simple Fall Sign – Crisp, Cozy, Autumn Days

Some scrap wood, pre-cut letters and a bit of paint are all you need to create your own DIY Fall sign (with a Winter sign on the back) to take your decor through 2 seasons! Today’s post is actually part two of a post I did last winter… Do you remember seeing my Hot Cocoa […]
Branch Slice Decor – upgrading a dollar store vase

Remember how I pruned the heck out of the pine trees in my backyard last week? Well, it left me with a truckload of branches for the compost centre and one or two for home decor projects… like this branch slice vase; This project is so easy to do, and this time of year is […]
Fall Front Porch

I’ve plugged away at my Fall front porch for about a week now. I haven’t done anything exceptional, because I didn’t really know what to put out to make my home feel warm and welcoming, so I’d set something out, move it around, take it back in and start again. I think I’ve just about […]
Fall Decor – Scrap wood pumpkin

Remember the other day when I was showing you my scrap wood crows? In the background you might have noticed another project I was plugging away at; a scrap wood pumpkin. I had a scrap piece of 2 x 6″ that was about 6″ long – so I traced out a pumpkin shape on it […]