Keeping kids busy at home

20+ ideas for keeping kids busy while stuck at home – simple ideas to fill long days with fun, laughter and creativity! *This post contains affiliate links. I have tried to include Amazon options so that you can have items delivered versus hitting the dollar store – but that sometimes means that the supplies are […]
The Ginormous Bird Feeder

Recently, a friend brought me an enormous bird feeder and asked if I could repair it. We’re talking a feeder that would cost hundreds of dollars to buy – if you could even find one for sale. To say I was a bit nervous about ruining her Mother’s treasured piece was an understatement. You can […]
DIY Bird Feeder – $4 and 20 minutes to make

It seems every February I get the ‘feels’ for the poor birds. Last year I showed you how to make a super-simple bird house to help keep our feathered friends warm, this year I’m adding to my garden with this easy ($4) DIY bird feeder. DIY Bird Feeder Supplies: 1 x 6 cedar board at […]