DIY Bird Feeder – $4 and 20 minutes to make

It seems every February I get the ‘feels’ for the poor birds. Last year I showed you how to make a super-simple bird house to help keep our feathered friends warm, this year I’m adding to my garden with this easy ($4) DIY bird feeder. DIY Bird Feeder Supplies: 1 x 6 cedar board at […]
DIY Christmas Tree Shelf

Have you seen this gorgeous DIY Christmas tree shelf by Jaime at That’s My Letter? I’d saved the pin from last year with the plans of building my own this year – and I finally did! I cheated a bit by using scrap wood to build mine – which totally works if you plan on […]
DIY Coat Rack

Do you know what this is? Okay, that was a stupid question – the blog title clearly tells you what it is – but would have guessed a DIY coat stand just by the photo? I wouldn’t have, mainly because these bits and bobs of scrap wood don’t match – we have some 2×4’s in […]
DIY Hockey Storage Rack

I love this post. Actually I love the project, I love that it’s my design and I love how it turned out – the post is just my way to show it off to you. I was recently asked to help out with a couple of fundraisers for some neighbourhood kids. One needed an item […]
DIY Entryway Table / Sofa Table

I have a pin that drives a lot of traffic from my Pinterest board to my blog – and the pin itself isn’t even mine? It was something I put in an article a few months ago “Styling Your Entryway” and this is the pin that has been going crazy: This entryway table / sofa […]
DIY Outdoor Garbage Bin

Since this has been “nagging projects” week, I have to show you something… This is the side of my house. Worse, this is the side of the house that my neighbours see whenever they descend their staircase. They have a window that looks directly over at my garbage pile. Granted, it isn’t always this bad […]
DIY Gift Wrap Station

I’m so excited about today’s post! First, because these are the first plans I have created in their entirety – no bits and pieces from other bloggers/DIYers – just a photo of a concept piece and my imagination and measurements to bring it to life. WAHOO! Secondly, I’m excited because my previous gift wrap caddy just […]