DIY Barbecue Scraper – 10 minutes and free!

Today I have a super-easy do-it-yourself project – one that will cost you about 10 minutes of your time and nothing else… First I’ll give you the reason for this DIY: There’s been a lot of hype this summer about the dangers of using metal-bristled brushes to clean your barbecue. Some brands are better than […]
DIY Bird Feeder – $4 and 20 minutes to make

It seems every February I get the ‘feels’ for the poor birds. Last year I showed you how to make a super-simple bird house to help keep our feathered friends warm, this year I’m adding to my garden with this easy ($4) DIY bird feeder. DIY Bird Feeder Supplies: 1 x 6 cedar board at […]
DIY Cedar Patio Table

The Rogue Engineer put up a photo on Instagram the other day of a DIY cedar patio table that he had made out of scrap wood after a deck build. As soon as I saw it, I wanted one. The X-brace legs and angled feet – gorgeous! But, and like 36% of the population in North […]
DIY Birdhouse

February is the harshest month in my neck of the woods. Temperatures plummet, snow accumulates, the wind bites your skin and almost everything has a layer of ice on it. I’m Canadian, it’s par for the course up here and quite frankly I’d miss it if I were in a more temperate climate. Snow and […]