Epoxy-coated charcuterie boards

epoxy coated charcuterie boards, epoxied charcuterie boards

Not all charcuterie boards have to be completely blemish-free wood – if you have a gorgeous piece of wood and some epoxy, you can still make a food-safe epoxy coated charcuterie board to use and display. Well hello there!  How the heck are ya’? I am in my element guys; cooler Fall weather, pie season, […]

Charcuterie roses made from cold cuts

charcuterie rose, meat rose, cold cut rose, deli meat rose, charcuterie

Entertaining, or just looking for a treat for two – take your grazing board up a notch and whip up these simple meat roses / charcuterie roses. Is there anyone on the planet that doesn’t like charcuterie?  Okay, yes, perhaps Vegans don’t, but their version of charcuterie would be called “crudités” and is just a […]