Making a home office for a teenager

Something happens when kids move from “children” to “teenagers” – styles, tastes, activities all change drastically. In order to create an age-appropriate space for my teen, I attempted a $0 makeover to create a home office suitable for a teenager. My house is in such a disarray. For every project I finish, there are two […]
Don’t forget November/December birthdays! Give them a Birthday tree!

Do you have loved ones with the unfortunate luck of having a November or December birthday? Where their special day gets lost in the chaos that is the Christmas Season? Celebrate their special day by changing up your Holiday decor and giving them a Birthday tree! We have a November baby in this house. A […]
Small Closet Organization (on a budget)

Miss Chloë got ripped off in the closet department – but in our defence, we didn’t know we were having two kids when we built. As it was our builder hadn’t incorporated a linen closet into our home, so we had to use part of – what later became – Chloë’s closet. It’s a single […]
Where did I go?

I’m sorry I was AWOL last week – I promise I wasn’t abandoning you for binge-watching Grace & Frankie (although I did do that) – last week was a bit crazy with “stuff to do”. We went to Florida for March Break, so last week was all about ‘catch-up’ – the worst part of coming […]
DIY Doll Furniture – Patio Lounger

I’ve got a neat tutorial for you today – DIY patio lounger for your 18″ dolls (as in Maple Lea and American Girl dolls). I haven’t seen these available for purchase on the doll sites, so your creation will be a novel addition to your child’s dollhouse. To build this DIY doll furniture – you […]
Free, Printable 18″ Doll Accessories

As I was saying the other day – the real reason I wanted to buy a laminating machine was to craft 18″ doll accessories for Chloe’s American Girl Doll. She has been making little pouches and packets for months now (there are several YouTube channels specifically for crafting items for dolls), and she’s been using […]
Resin paperweight

You’ve probably seen images on Pinterest of paperweights made from resin, with a tufted dandelion beautifully stretched out inside? If not, this is what a resin paperweight looks like: There is a fantastic video online that shows how to make it as well: So, and since I had a bit of epoxy resin leftover from […]