Coastal Decor – flea market find

One of my favourite emails to receive are those from Birch Lane. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) they don’t ship to Canada, but that doesn’t stop me from pining over their perfectly styled photos of decor for your home. It was one such photo that reminded me that I had these fishing weights tucked away, and […]
Coastal Decor with DIY Sea Glass

Anyone else feel like time is just flying by at this point? I woke up yesterday and it was February and when I woke up this morning it was June…. I’m at a bit of a loss for everything that’s happened in between. (Thank God I blog or I’d never remember what I do each […]
Pottery Barn Inspired Buoys

I love Pottery Barn. Everyone loves Pottery Barn right? But if you’re reading this (a DIY) blog, then you’re probably in the same boat as I am and don’t really want to pay Pottery Barn prices for projects that seem completely DIY-able. Like these decorative wooden buoys for instance: Whew! They’re on sale right now. […]