Bird feeder for small birds

A beautiful addition to your garden, this bird feeder has been built with smaller dimensions to deter larger birds. Made from a 1×10, you too can build your own tree bird feeder for small birds in an afternoon. The title of this might be a misnomer, small birds can really use any bird feeder at […]
Make your own modern bird feeder

This modern bird feeder uses up small bits of scrap wood, but takes a bit of time to get the symmetry correct. These free building plans will take some of the guesswork out and have you feeding the birds in style! One of my favourite things to do is to find something online and then […]
DIY Bird Feeder – $4 and 20 minutes to make

It seems every February I get the ‘feels’ for the poor birds. Last year I showed you how to make a super-simple bird house to help keep our feathered friends warm, this year I’m adding to my garden with this easy ($4) DIY bird feeder. DIY Bird Feeder Supplies: 1 x 6 cedar board at […]