Simple Fall Sign – Crisp, Cozy, Autumn Days

Some scrap wood, pre-cut letters and a bit of paint are all you need to create your own DIY Fall sign (with a Winter sign on the back) to take your decor through 2 seasons! Today’s post is actually part two of a post I did last winter… Do you remember seeing my Hot Cocoa […]
Scrap Wood Sign – Here Comes the Sun

Good Spring Morning! I hope Easter found you surrounded by loved ones in some beautiful Spring weather? We were lucky; while it was cloudy and threatening to rain, it held off until after our family left and we were able to enjoy an Easter lunch out on the patio. Today’s project has been MONTHS in […]
DIY Rustic Christmas Sign (and a Fall one too)

I know, it’s WAAAAAY too early to be posting any Christmas nonsense, and in all honesty this project started out with a DIY rustic Autumn sign… but expanded all on its own. Let me show you – I had some 1 x12″ wood in the garage that I wanted to make a sign out of. […]