Finishing up the Playground – Outdoor Art

Do you ever sit in your yard, front or back, and think “I wish I could add some colour”? But the idea of painting your fence seems too daunting, permanent and possibly expensive? My backyard playground updates included colour for the structure itself, but nothing for the fence for those exact reasons. I didn’t want […]
Fence Art – 25 pieces of art using a backyard fence as the canvas

In looking up ideas for my fence art whale the other week, I came across some incredible fences that were a work of art. The artists used the actual fence panels, chain link, pickets and clay walls as their canvas and created backyard spaces fit for an art gallery. If the fences in your garden […]
DIY Yard Art

If you agree that your yard/patio/deck is an extension of your home, then why not decorate it as such? DIY yard art is an easy and inexpensive way to dress up your outdoor oasis. Go big, go bold! Last week I showed you the whale fence art (from a pallet) that I created to hang […]
Pallet Projects – Fence/Wall Art Whale

If I told you that this project cost me a grand total of $0, would you believe me? Seriously, the pallet was free, the paint was leftover, – I might have spent a few cents on sandpaper – but truthfully, I didn’t buy a single thing to make this! My friend Cheryl had sent me […]