DIY Bird Feeder – $4 and 20 minutes to make

It seems every February I get the ‘feels’ for the poor birds. Last year I showed you how to make a super-simple bird house to help keep our feathered friends warm, this year I’m adding to my garden with this easy ($4) DIY bird feeder. DIY Bird Feeder Supplies: 1 x 6 cedar board at […]
DIY Hockey Storage Rack

I love this post. Actually I love the project, I love that it’s my design and I love how it turned out – the post is just my way to show it off to you. I was recently asked to help out with a couple of fundraisers for some neighbourhood kids. One needed an item […]
DIY Entryway Table / Sofa Table

I have a pin that drives a lot of traffic from my Pinterest board to my blog – and the pin itself isn’t even mine? It was something I put in an article a few months ago “Styling Your Entryway” and this is the pin that has been going crazy: This entryway table / sofa […]
DIY Gift Wrap Station

I’m so excited about today’s post! First, because these are the first plans I have created in their entirety – no bits and pieces from other bloggers/DIYers – just a photo of a concept piece and my imagination and measurements to bring it to life. WAHOO! Secondly, I’m excited because my previous gift wrap caddy just […]
DIY Bench Plans – DIY Garden Bench

These DIY bench plans are originally from Ana White – and while I really don’t want to steal her thunder (please go and check out her blog for her version and a million other DIY projects) – but I did need to come up with something for a sales “pitch” I made the other day. […]
DIY Recycling Centre

We are GREAT recyclers in our house! Each week on garbage day I see that we (seem to) have more recycling out than any of our neighbours. Nope, we don’t consume any more or any less than anyone else, but we do make a concentrated effort to keep as much out of the landfill as possible. […]