Fruit fly trap – using kitchen ingredients

Fruit fly trap, fruit flies, getting rid of fruit flies

If fruit flies are frequenting your food, try this 2-ingredient fruit fly trap and eliminate them within a matter of days! For the past month or so, my kitchen has been plagued with fruit flies. Did you get that?  “Plagued” lol Okay, it hasn’t been that bad, but any fruit flies are bad fruit flies right? […]

Can you clean brass with ketchup?

cleaning brass with ketchup

Have you ever wondered if ketchup can really clean brass?  Today we’re attempting to clean brass with ketchup, and how it compares to store-bought cleaners. Have you ever wondered if ketchup can really clean brass?  I’ve read dozens of articles and each seems to offer a different bit of advice; use ketchup for 1 hour, […]