Finishing up the Playground – Outdoor Art

Do you ever sit in your yard, front or back, and think “I wish I could add some colour”? But the idea of painting your fence seems too daunting, permanent and possibly expensive? My backyard playground updates included colour for the structure itself, but nothing for the fence for those exact reasons. I didn’t want […]
DIY Chalkboard – part of our treehouse upgrades

Chalkboards seem to be all-the-rage now – people are trimming anything and everything with chalkboard paint to create message boards, labels, jar lids, gift tags – you name it and it’s probably had a coating of chalkboard paint to make it better. Our backyard playground / treehouse is no exception – but where do you […]
Treehouse / Playground Makeover

I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be working with Clancy’s Rainbow and Benjamin Moore on this next project – which is a doozy… Treehouse / Playground makeover! We purchased this commercial grade treehouse / playground years ago for $250. I KNOW! The hotel that it belonged to clearly didn’t know the going price for […]