Today is a hot cocoa kind of day…

Today is a hot cocoa kind of day… make this adorable sign and create a hot chocolate station for warm memories all winter long. I’m so excited to share today’s post! I am a HUGE fan of Details 2 Enjoy and have purchased a few word kits from them in the past like: I love […]
Scrap Wood Sign – Here Comes the Sun

Good Spring Morning! I hope Easter found you surrounded by loved ones in some beautiful Spring weather? We were lucky; while it was cloudy and threatening to rain, it held off until after our family left and we were able to enjoy an Easter lunch out on the patio. Today’s project has been MONTHS in […]
Let It Snow Raised Letter sign

Being a blogger has A LOT of advantages. A few disadvantages, but far more advantages than not. Case in point – a friend of ours was getting rid of these wood letters: What do you do with a mishmash of letters that you no longer need/want? You give them to your local (and favourite) blogger! […]