Simple Suet Feeder
Picture this: you’ve got a pile of scrap wood, a craving for bird-watching, and a backyard filled with hungry little feathered freeloaders. So, what better

DIY Railing planter
These DIY cedar railing planters are really easy to make and all you need are fence pickets, a couple of balusters and a 2×4! Hey

An entryway closet idea – simple built-in
Maximizing minimal spaces doesn’t have to be expensive or labour-intensive. This entryway closet idea took 1 ½ sheets of plywood and 3 coat rods, for

Portable tool rack
With three 2×4’s and some pegboard you can whip up this portable tool rack to house anything from woodworking, craft, or gardening tools. Hey guys!

Building a gate – simple, sturdy, inexpensive gate DIY
Building a gate; pretty, sturdy, inexpensive and a simple DIY project that can be done for about $100 and 2 hours of your time. I

Build a BIG dog crate – for multiple (big) dogs
Got dogs? Got big ones? Got more than one big one? Today I’m sharing free building plans and cut list for a BIG dog crate