How to choose a sander
So you’re looking to start refinishing furniture, or perhaps even start DIYing a few small builds and are wondering what sander does what? I did

Kids home for summer? You need a snack rack!
Kid’s are home for summer and are undoubtedly eating you out of house and home. If you want to monitor snacking to include some healthy

Beginner build: Wood Ottoman Tray
Can you ever go wrong with trays? Food trays, decorative trays, patio trays, plant trays… and today I’m sharing this oversized ottoman tray. This is

I have received so many compliments on my DIY Catio (enclosed cat patio)! Today I’m sharing the 12 steps I used to determine the size,

Adirondack Chair Planter
Today my friend Chris is sharing his free building plans and tutorial for building this perfectly adorable Adirondack chair planter. This is a fantastic scrap

Free birdhouse plans
Free birdhouse plans for not one, but two different birdhouses! Measurements, cut lists and instructions for these DIY birdhouses – each coming in at less