
Catio, cat enclosure

I have received so many compliments on my DIY Catio (enclosed cat patio)!  Today I’m sharing the 12 steps I used to determine the size, shape and build for mine so that you can make one too.  Trust me, it’s more than just birds and mice that will be happy your cat isn’t traipsing the […]

Adirondack Chair Planter

Chair planter, Adirondack chair planter, novelty planter

Today my friend Chris is sharing his free building plans and tutorial for building this perfectly adorable Adirondack chair planter.  This is a fantastic scrap wood project and will add a touch of whimsy to your porch or patio. Howdy, I’m Chris. A long time friend and extra set of hands for Shelly. You may […]

Free birdhouse plans

free birdhouse plans, DIY birdhouses

Free birdhouse plans for not one, but two different birdhouses! Measurements, cut lists and instructions for these DIY birdhouses – each coming in at less than $4 in wood! One of my most popular posts of all time is the time I shared Ana White’s birdhouse plans.  It was easy, inexpensive, and has lasted from […]

Make your own K-cup holder

K-cup storage, coffee pod storage, K-cup holder

There are so many K-cup (Keurig/coffee) pod organizers out there that there’s one for just about every need.  But none of them hold very many pods.  Today I’m showing how I whipped up this K-cup holder that holds 28 pods, but can very easily be amended to hold even more – in a very tiny […]

Build your own trash and recycling centre

trash and recycling centre

With free building plans from Ana White, I was able (as a beginner) to build my own trash and recycling centre for my kitchen and create a bit of extra counter space at the same time! We are GREAT recyclers in our house!  (I’m so modest lol)  We don’t consume any more or any less […]

Tea caddy / Hot cocoa caddy

tea caddy, hot cocoa caddy

If you’ve got scrap wood bits – even as small as 4″ – you can whip out this adorable tea caddy / hot cocoa caddy in no time!  Make one for your Mom, your sister, your bestie and of course, yourself. I wish I had the plans for this tea caddy / hot cocoa caddy […]

Scrap wood trees

scrap wood tree, wooden tree, Christmas decor

If you have scrap wood, even in lengths less than 11″, you can whip out these easy and beautiful scrap wood Christmas trees. Measurements for 3 sizes on the blog. I’m part of a Facebook group called “Women in Woodworking” and today’s project was one that someone shared on that page.  I wouldn’t steal thunder, […]