Is your water spigot too low?  Has it become buried behind bushes?  Do you need a spigot in a different part of your yard?  I came across the best solution to all of these problems; a garden hose holder WITH FAUCET!!

I’ll start by showing you the dilemma that caused me to search for a solution to raise my outdoor tap.

outdoor spigot in a raised garden

I have a raised garden at the back of my house, and over the years of mulch and soil additions, my outdoor spigot has become far too close to the dirt.  I was irritated because 1; my hose had a leak so all of that dirt turned into mud immediately, and 2; because I had to crouch down to turn the top off and on all of the time.  Not a huge burden, but I am at an age where the discs in my back are degenerating and if I can avoid aggravating any sort of back pain, I will.

hose bib, outdoor tap, outdoor spigot

I was surfing through various DIY solutions that would have required me to extend the spigot itself with some copper pipe, then add a vertical pipe to it, then a post to brace the piping since it doesn’t sit flush with the wall etc, etc.  If I knew how to sauter/solder and felt confident that my plumbing work wouldn’t lead to a burst pipe come Canadian Winter, I might have tried it.

Turns out there was no need!

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Aqua Joe (and I’m sure other companies) have already created a garden hose reel – complete with plumbing inside and a faucet you can turn off and on!

Aqua Joe garden hose and faucet

The only real DIY you need to raise your outdoor water spigot, is to stamp this into the ground!

Aqua Joe garden hose holder and faucet


I wanted to keep my outdoor tap in the same location, so I just added a 3′ extender hose to the existing faucet with the other end attached to the Aqua Joe.  I bought a 3′ extender separately, but I notice that the Aqua Joe does come with one now.

lead in hose

If you want to move your spigot to an entirely different part of your yard, all you have to do is choose a longer lead-in hose.  You can move your Aqua Joe to the very back corner of your yard just by using a 50′, or 100′ hose as a lead-in into the post.

lead in hose

Stomp your new, in my case raised, hose spigot into the ground and attach your watering hose.

how to raise your hose spigot, how to raise your outdoor tap

This genius little contraption raised my reaching distance 2′ above where it was.  You turn on your tap at the wall, but the hose post won’t release the water until you open that faucet as well!

how to raise your hose spigot, how to raise your outdoor tap

This project took no time at all, and when I bought the Aqua Joe garden hose holder with faucet (Spring 2023) it was going for $65 CDN.

how to raise your hose spigot, how to raise your outdoor tap

I have a 100′ hose hanging on my Aqua Joe and while it did tilt a bit with the weight of it, the post is still firmly wedged in the soil.

If you need to raise your outdoor water spigot (outdoor tap), this is a much less expensive and labour-intensive solution than hiring a plumber or building your own contraption.

I’ve been using it since April (sorry I didn’t post this sooner), and haven’t had any problems with leaks at all.

I’m including and links to a few versions in case you are looking:




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