DIY Rustic X Bookshelf (part of Basement Makeover)

I have been SO BUSY lately! It’s entirely my own fault – the girls went camping with their Grandparents the other week and I set my sights on making over my basement… problem is, I didn’t break it down into bite-sized steps like “sand and paint trim”, then “paint walls” then “DIY rustic x bookshelf”. Nope, […]
DIY Bench Plans – DIY Garden Bench

These DIY bench plans are originally from Ana White – and while I really don’t want to steal her thunder (please go and check out her blog for her version and a million other DIY projects) – but I did need to come up with something for a sales “pitch” I made the other day. […]
DIY Rustic X Coffee Table

If you’ve been following along for awhile, you’ll remember the rustic X side table I built a few months back via plans from Ana White. The plan was to build a coordinating coffee table as well, but first we had to wait for the furniture to arrive, then figure out how to adjust her plans […]
DIY Recycling Centre

We are GREAT recyclers in our house! Each week on garbage day I see that we (seem to) have more recycling out than any of our neighbours. Nope, we don’t consume any more or any less than anyone else, but we do make a concentrated effort to keep as much out of the landfill as possible. […]