Add a touch of whimsy with these wooden hearts

Use scrap bits of wood and some watered-down craft paint to add a touch of whimsy to your Valentine’s decor with these wooden hearts. Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day? I don’t really – Christmas is my jam – but tucking a heart here or there isn’t too burdensome and acknowledges the day. Today was […]
Rounded top lantern

A single board of rough pine, a light-weight saw and you have the only known DIY versions of these rounded top Christmas lanterns anywhere on Pinterest! I’ve got another Holiday decor item for you today! This one I’m pretty excited about because I haven’t seen any other DIY’s anywhere – so I think that I’m […]
Scrap Wood Crows – Rockwell Bladerunner

I was looking for ideas to use up some scrap wood the other day – I know, you’re thinking “does she ever do any projects that actually create scrap wood?!” – and yes, one big project, like a sofa table or a privacy planter box creates a fair amount of scrap wood in one project. […]
Pallet Projects – Fence/Wall Art Whale

If I told you that this project cost me a grand total of $0, would you believe me? Seriously, the pallet was free, the paint was leftover, – I might have spent a few cents on sandpaper – but truthfully, I didn’t buy a single thing to make this! My friend Cheryl had sent me […]