Kids home for summer? You need a snack rack!

Kid’s are home for summer and are undoubtedly eating you out of house and home. If you want to monitor snacking to include some healthy options, and reduce your foot mileage in getting snacks for everyone, make this snack rack / snack stand for everyone to enjoy! I built this snack rack back in 2016 […]
Build your own trash and recycling centre

With free building plans from Ana White, I was able (as a beginner) to build my own trash and recycling centre for my kitchen and create a bit of extra counter space at the same time! We are GREAT recyclers in our house! (I’m so modest lol) We don’t consume any more or any less […]
DIY Cold frame / DIY mini-greenhouse

Repurpose old windows or shower doors to extentend your growing season with this simple DIY cold frame. When I told people I was going to build a cold frame, most of them asked “A what?” A cold frame is exactly what it sounds like: a transparent outdoor frame that protects plants from cold weather while […]
Build Your Own Monitor Stand

I have to show you the little section of the house where I sit and blog: It’s a corner of my bedroom and yes, most days it looks like this (I’m embarrassed to admit). Part of my problem, besides stockpiling snacks everywhere, is paper. I have books, course manuals, receipts, and a million notes that […]
Great Gift Idea – DIY Folding Lap Desk / Breakfast Tray

As soon as I saw this image from Jen Woodhouse, I knew I wanted one. Better still, I knew it would make a GREAT gift idea – I mean, who doesn’t love the idea of staying warm and cozy in bed and eating a hot breakfast, or reading the paper, or working on the computer […]
DIY Wood Moose

This is Marty Moose. Marty Mazel Tov Moose because when I asked friends what they thought he was, I got a mixed response of “moose”, “reindeer” and “Hanukkah candle holder”. I don’t care, he’s the moosiest moose I know – Marty Moose. (did you get that? Maybe I’m showing my age?) It started because of […]
DIY Coat Rack

Do you know what this is? Okay, that was a stupid question – the blog title clearly tells you what it is – but would have guessed a DIY coat stand just by the photo? I wouldn’t have, mainly because these bits and bobs of scrap wood don’t match – we have some 2×4’s in […]