Building a gate – simple, sturdy, inexpensive gate DIY

Building a gate; pretty, sturdy, inexpensive and a simple DIY project that can be done for about $100 and 2 hours of your time. I know, all I write about are my doggos anymore. I’m sorry? But they take up so much of my life (and heart), that the projects to protect, repair, clean and […]
Build a BIG dog crate – for multiple (big) dogs

Got dogs? Got big ones? Got more than one big one? Today I’m sharing free building plans and cut list for a BIG dog crate that will easily house 3 large dogs. Cut layout and DIY costs included! Hey there, fellow dog lovers! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your canine companions […]
Scrap wood trees

If you have scrap wood, even in lengths less than 11″, you can whip out these easy and beautiful scrap wood Christmas trees. Measurements for 3 sizes on the blog. I’m part of a Facebook group called “Women in Woodworking” and today’s project was one that someone shared on that page. I wouldn’t steal thunder, […]
Make your own modern bird feeder

This modern bird feeder uses up small bits of scrap wood, but takes a bit of time to get the symmetry correct. These free building plans will take some of the guesswork out and have you feeding the birds in style! One of my favourite things to do is to find something online and then […]
Freestanding coat rack with shelves

You don’t need to have a fancy mudroom or a lot of space to keep kids’ gear organized and tidy for back-to-school… this freestanding coat rack with shelves (I’m so excited about the shelves) offers a lot of storage on a very small footprint and the best part is you can build it really inexpensively […]
Porch Planter Bench

Do you have a small front porch? One that is an easy target for porch pirates? Whip up one of these porch planter benches in just a few hours to add curb appeal AND create a drop space for deliveries to be hidden away from view. Happy Sunday everyone! I’m finally getting my rear-in-gear and […]
Low bookcase for my staircase landing

Build this long, low bookcase in a day and use it as a room divider, to sit under a window or as extra storage on your staircase landing. Good morning! I’m working with Jen Woodhouse again (woot, woot!), where she draws up amazing plans and I do my best to execute them. This month we’re […]