Texting Acronyms Parents NEED to Know

Texting acronyms parents NEED to know

Madison and I attended a course on the weekend that was intended to help tweens feel more comfortable home alone. Granted, I’m a stay-at-home Mom, so the need doesn’t arise very often, but on those rare occasions where I want to run in and out of the grocery store without the pre-battle to get the girls […]

Yoga for Beginners – Start Your Spring Training

Yoga gear - tote and tank

As you may (or may not) know, I’ve been doing yoga two or three times a week for just over a year now. It was nothing I was ever interested in trying – I mean, with a rear-end the size of mine, sticking it in the air seems cruel to fellow participants, not to mention […]

Candle Wraps

Printable candle wraps - for a high-end decor look

I follow a few amazing bloggers; people that inspire me every time they put a post up on their blogs.  I truly look forward to getting my e-mails letting me know another article has gone live so that I can drool over their creativity and talent.  One of my favourites is Craftberry Bush.  Lucy has […]