These are a few of my favourite things… Best buys 2019

I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for some time, and with the Holidays right around the corner it seemed like a great opportunity to share a few of my favourite things… just in case you know someone that these might be good for. As a blogger, I often get “samples” to test and […]
Easter Wishes – adult colouring Easter cards

Chloe was home ill from school earlier this week. Not really ill actually; she threw up the night before so we kept her home from school ‘just in case’ it was a flu or something. In hindsight it was probably the pound of mini eggs that she scarfed down that made her vomit and not […]
Tfees Straws

This post came about because I was surfing Instagram and came across a post from Tammi at Tfees™ Straws. The image was of a steaming cup of coffee (or tea) with this clear plastic straw in it – something like this: See that tiny little clear stick in the top of my mug? Pretty discreet […]