The Laziest Way to Cozy: Crafting Your No-Sew Fleece Blanket

Hey there, fellow lazy crafters and comfort enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on the ultimate journey to coziness without even touching a needle? Buckle up because today, we’re diving into the world of making a no-sew fleece blanket! Crafting Magic for the Lazy Artisan: Let’s get down to the lazy yet cozy business of […]
My New Purse!!

I don’t show a lot of fashion or “girly” things on this blog – not because I don’t like them; my Pinterest boards are full of cute outfits that I wish I wore, but more because this is a DIY and family blog and after doing DIY and taking care of my family there isn’t […]
Easy and Inexpensive DIY Duvet Cover

Are you starting to feel the cooler temperatures in your area? It might be temporary, but here in SW Ontario we’ve moved from shorts to pants and with the humidity out of the air, nights are spent with cool breezes wafting through bedroom windows – it’s absolutely heavenly! I’ve been changing over some of our […]
The Cheater T-shirt Quilt

I had such a great week last week; all of my projects were both fun and challenging and when they all turned out as I’d hoped, I was giddy. Today’s cheater t-shirt quilt is one of those “I’m giddy” projects. There are lots of tutorials on Pinterest on how to cut your t-shirts and what […]
Easy Draft Stopper (from repurposed jeans)

I have been meaning to make a double-sided draft stopper since last winter. I even purchased the pipe insulation stuff and have had it sitting in my craft studio for MONTHS! Clearly I won’t be using these pipe insulations in my actual home pipes, but it is true that the pipes most likely need checking […]
DIY No-Sew Placemats

Don’t sew? Don’t worry. Summer is about easy entertaining and getting a lot of bang without spending a lot of bucks. These DIY no-sew placemats do just the trick – brightening up your dining space and creating an atmosphere at your table without breaking the bank. By selecting an outdoor fabric, these mats will also […]