Flowers can be expensive and they don’t last very long, so indulging in arrangements isn’t something I tend to do. Until now that is; teacup bouquets are inexpensive/cheap floral arrangements that you can make at home with grocery store (or garden) flowers.

I love flowers.  I mean, who doesn’t love flowers?  They add beauty and life to your home, and if you’re anything like me, having some around just makes me smile.  While those features are certainly worth an investment, how many of us indulge?  Not me – flowers are really expensive and they don’t last long enough for me to justify the expenditure over other “necessary” expenses.

Until now that is…  today I’m going to show you how to make cheap floral arrangements ($6 each) using small vessels for what I call teacup bouquets.

I picked up two bundles from the grocery store; one of greens and the other was a bouquet of flowers.  Usually your flowers will come with some greens inside, but this particular bunch didn’t, so I had to buy a few stems (or this would have been even cheaper!)

I had some wet floral foam (Amazon affiliate link) in my garage leftover from winter urns, but if you don’t have any, it can be purchased at your local craft store.

supplies for teacup bouquets

To cut my floral foam to size, I just placed a teacup – any vessel really – and then pressed down.

cutting floral foam to fit a teacup

If you ask a professional florist they will tell you that you should soak your floral foam for 24 hours before putting any stems into it.  That’s the proper way to make floral arrangements…. that’s not what I did. 😂

I soaked my floral foam for about an hour, until the surface stopped bubbling.  My stems might not last as long as they would have in a properly saturated base, but I was too excited to get my little teacup bouquets on nightstands for the girls and I.

make sure all of the bubbles have stopped when soaking your floral foam


Next up is adding your greens; because these arrangements are so small, you can cut branches off of your greenery to get the most bang for your buck.

trimming branches off of greenery

Tuck your stems into your floral foam at opposite edges.

tuck stems into the floral foam at opposite edges

Continue this way with all of your greenery until your teacup is fairly full.  This is the biggest money saver – greenery will last a lot longer than flowers, and costs considerably less, so you can pull wilted flowers out and just replace those few stems and not the entire floral arrangement each week.

filling teacup bouquets with greenery


Yes, in the background you can see that I was able to make 5 separate small floral arrangements from the single bundle of greenery ($7) and a single bundle of flowers ($25).

Now it’s time to tuck in your stems!  I wanted to make a few different versions of teacup bouquets, so I separated out the stems.  I prefer a more monochromatic look, but these would have been equally as pretty with an assortment in each vessel.

bouquet of grocery store flowers

Tucking a few stems into each teacup, I came up with these:

Mums and carnations in a sugar dish.

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement

Sweetheart roses and freesia.


cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement

and daisies.

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement

Daisies are a GREAT option for cheap floral arrangements because one stem usually has 4 or 5 flowers on it.

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement



cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement


cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement

FIVE cheap floral arrangements guys!  These would be great for weddings and showers – so inexpensive!  If you don’t have a Grandma that has a set of teacups, you can easily find them at thrift stores.  I was just wandering through the other day and I found dozens ranging from  $0.50 – $2.00 each.

Now to decorate with my sweet teacup bouquets:

One on Miss Chloë’s nightstand.

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement


One for Miss Madison.

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement


Another on my desk.

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement


Mum’s for the kitchen.

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement


And one for moi!  (roses wilt the fastest, so I’ll replace these next week with the peonies in my backyard.)

cheap floral arrangements, small floral arrangements, teacup bouquet, teacup bouquets, inexpensive floral arrangement

Pick a few stems from your garden, hit your local florist, or pick up a bunch at the grocery store.  They won’t look like a “cheap grocery store bunch” once you’ve created your little teacup bouquet arrangements!

Check out what others have done with the same concept – so soft and romantic!

Make your own teacup bouquet - great as a desk or nightstand display
Image courtesy of [email protected]



Teacup Bouquet - 2
Image courtesy [email protected]


Teacup Bouquet - 4
Image courtesy

It’s your turn!  Brighten your own day – or that of friends and family – with just a teacup, 3-4 stems of flowers and greenery.

Have a great one!