Simple scrap wood plant stands that require only 6 pieces of wood. These and 14 other DIY plant stand options that I’ve made over the years.
I was in my She-Shop the other day working on a plant shelf for my Aunt.
You’ve seen this “Slatted plant stand for a bay window” a few months ago – but she wanted another for her friend and neighbour. Since I had lots of bits and pieces everywhere, I decided to make a slightly stronger version “because she’ll want her dog to sit on it”. lol
Only difference between this one and the original that I built for my Aunt, is that the wood is 1″ thick by 1 ½” tall – so only slightly larger.
SO, while I was ripping down boards for the slatted plant stand, I cut a few extra so I could make the cute 3-legged plant stands from Ugly Duckling DIY.
These are SO EASY – like ridiculously so.
One 30° angle on three 1″ boards, then glue and nail/screw together.
I LOVE the triangle in the middle – which, by the way, is the perfect opening to let water drain through!
I cut my legs at different heights (in 4″ increments) so that there is some visual interest and geometry if you set these out in a grouping.
It’s too cold in SW Ontario for me to buy and leave any Spring pots outside at the moment, but my favourite greenhouse allowed me to take a few photos to show you how great these scrap wood plant stands look. (hence the mask)
This boston fern is in a 12″ hanging pot – which was the maximum size I wanted these stands to hold.
I also staged the 3-legged stands with a 6″ pot (front) and a 10″ (much heavier) pot in the back.
These plant stands are really light and stackable for easy storage in the winter, but once the plant is on them, the weight makes them quite sturdy and unlikely to blow over.
I’m not wearing a winter coat in the photo, but I wore one to the nursery… I wanted to take these babies home so badly, but we have more snow to come.
I attached my legs to the triangle section at the 4″ mark – meaning that there is 4″ of wood above the shelf to hold your plants in place. You could easily flip this scrap wood plant stands upside down, so they are 4″ off the ground and with much taller verticals and set a climbing plant inside.
I just thought of that now. I’m totally making more!!
I pulled some larger, square planters off of the shelf so I could show you that they fit in too.
I have a thing for black in the garden – I like how the plants and flowers stand out against a black background, so if these were mine I’d use and outdoor stain (Arbourcoat) to make them black.
These scrap wood plant stands are made from bits of framing lumber, so they’d be fine in the house and will be okay outside over the summer (I used an outdoor appropriate glue) – but they won’t hold up over a Canadian winter without some kind of treatment. My Aunt plans to stain them with her deck stain so it wasn’t a job she needed me to do.
I just realized the crazy obsession I have with plant stands – I may have built one or two over the years 🤦🏻♀️
Which is SO EMBARRASSING since I have very little luck getting things to grow!
DIY Plant Stands

- Slatted plant stand (bench) for a bay window
- West Elm inspired DIY plant stands
- Freestanding plant shelf
- Pot feet / Planter feet
- DIY tall planters
- Porch planter bench (great for hiding packages!)
- Chippendale Planter from House Becoming Home
- Outdoor raised planter on wheels
- Copper planter
- Fallen log succulent planter
- Privacy planters
- Cement/concrete planters
- DIY plant hanger
Yup – every plant in every image above is dead.
But the planters still look great! 😂
Have a great one!