Last week I had set a goal to finish up my expenses for 100T2D for 2015.  I have most of the year done, but I still need to plug through November and December receipts – and I’ve been putting it off well, since November and December.

Let me show you how close I got to my goal:

Organizing the Pantry - 7

Yup, that’s my pantry floor.

You see, I went into the pantry to get some more Tazo Chai latte concentrate – so I could make a tea and settle in to the duldrum.

But when I went into the pantry I found this:

Organizing the Pantry - 1

Are you kidding me?!

How have I not noticed this before?

It was so jam packed with unorganized crap that I couldn’t even step foot inside the door!

You know this has to take precedence over CRA – I mean, clearly my brain can’t function with this sort of mayhem, and I have children to feed!

Organizing the Pantry - 2

I’m going to argue that my purging and organizing the pantry was actually a money-saving project.  I found a few bottles of apple cider vinegar, which we never use, but seem to collect – and had the pantry been organized prior to this, we wouldn’t have had the additional expense of these useless duplicates.

Pantry Clean out - 4

I think it’s clear to see from the above that we also lost track of the amount of tuna we had.  Another needless expense that will have to go onto our family’s income tax.

This exercise was obviously more necessary than bookkeeping right?

Pantry Clean out - 6

I was able to organize everything back into their storage containers (which prolongs the life of your food and keeps things fresher than boxes), purge expired items and get rid of all of this excess packaging:

Organizing the Pantry - 11

and while I was in the garage, I noticed the gate leg table that I still hadn’t completed – so I then finished that as well. (from yesterday’s post)

Whew! Major catastrophe averted!  I managed to clean, organize, purge, save money and provide a proper food environment for my children.  What would this family do without my diligence and conscientiousness?

Income tax, schmincome tax – how many 0’s do I really have to claim for the Government to determine I’m broke?

The winner and reigning champion of avoidance behaviour – MOI!

Have a great one!

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is that mean?

