‘Cottage’ to me, implies sitting by the beach, with a breeze in the air, flipping through magazines and/or reading a book with my tea (hot or cold) by my side.

‘Cottage’ to my kids means swimming and bodysurfing and yelling “Mom, mom, mom…”

Time to find a middle ground I think.

An easy and cute cottage craft for kids is creating rock faces.  To do this you will need an old magazine (with lots of faces in it), some white glue, a few rocks and a pair of scissors.

Poor Zendaya took a beating for this cottage crafts for kids episode – but we needed her eyes, nose and mouth:

Cottage crafts for kids, cottage crafts, crafts for kids, rock faces

Water down your white glue a bit and coat the back of each body part.  Then glue to dry rocks and smooth them out.


Cottage crafts for kids, cottage crafts, crafts for kids, rock faces

The mixing and matching will get the kids laughing away and they can even have conversations between characters.

Cottage crafts for kids, cottage crafts, crafts for kids, rock faces

Bring in eyebrows, moustaches and ears to create more expressive faces (and to keep the giggles coming).

The best part is that all you need to pack is your magazines, a bit of glue and a pair of scissors; the beach will provide the rest.

Cottage crafts for kids:

Cottage crafts for kids, cottage crafts, crafts for kids, rock faces

I can flip through my magazines and the kids can spend time finding rocks, cutting, pasting and creating faces – sort of a win-win all around right?

Have a great one!


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2 Responses

  1. Thought this was a really kooky,krazy idea but how cool and funny this is. You could do animals too and play a guessing game with just showing eyes or tail or whatever. Thanks…I love your blog and how creative and funny you are.