Printable Book Plate

Book plate, bookplate, printable book plate, book sharing

If you are Kon Mari’ing your home, or are the type to share books after you’ve read them, then these free, printable book plates are a great addition to your donations.  Give the next reader a brief critique and then encourage them to pass the book along as well. I’m in a bit of a […]

100 New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions, 100 New Year's Resolutions

100 ways to make this your best year yet – 100 New Year’s Resolutions from simple to requiring determination, but all with a happier, healthier you in mind. I’ve shared this – or a list similar to this – in the past, but I’ve made a few updates (and added a much prettier background) that […]

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

age appropriate chores, chore list, kids chores, printable chore lists, encouraging chores in your home

I’ve posted these age-appropriate chores for kids lists on the blog before, but it was only this January that Hubby and I decided to really enforce cooperation. Maybe it’s just that this year we have the power of the iPad to encourage compliance – no chores, no screen time. Whatever the incentive/pressure, the girls have […]

You’ve Been Boo’d III

This is a repeat/redundant post that I do every single year, and will continue to do until my girls are too old to enjoy surprise treats – our annual “You’ve Been Boo’d”. If you haven’t seen my Boo’d I and Boo’d II posts, the idea is to package up a few pre-Hallowe’en goodies, along with […]

Free, Printable 18″ Doll Accessories

18" doll accessories, printable doll accessories, American Girl doll accessories

As I was saying the other day – the real reason I wanted to buy a laminating machine was to craft 18″ doll accessories for Chloe’s American Girl Doll. She has been making little pouches and packets for months now (there are several YouTube channels specifically for crafting items for dolls), and she’s been using […]

100 Things 2 Do This Summer

If you’ve followed the blog over the past few years, you will have seen this “100 Things 2 Do This Summer” list – but for those of you that are new, it’s worth repeating… Three years ago I was faced with the challenge of staying home with my kids all summer long. My employer had […]

“Who Am I?” Printable

Who Am I? Ming Liu - printable pdf

My friend Amazing Amy posted this poem on her Facebook feed awhile back and I absolutely LOVED it: Who am I, you ask? I am made from all the people I’ve encountered and all the things I have experienced. Inside, I hold the laughter of my friends, the arguments with my parents, the chattering of […]