If you’ve followed the blog you’ll know that I’m all set up with my faux-fur pillows, my birch candles (from my book), I’m over-stocked in chai lattes and I have a new read – The Nest.  All I need to complete this vision of a perfect Sunday afternoon is a roaring fire and a treat….

a sweet treat….

a sweet, but slightly spicy treat.

I’m thinking ginger, cinnamon, cloves in a chewy cookie with crispy edges.

Now I’m thinking my treat needs to be dipped in chocolate…

white chocolate.

Okay, my vision stemmed from an image I saw on Pinterest – but it certainly holds true as my ideal Sunday afternoon.

So, to create my Shangri-la, and aid you in creating yours (if you agree with my vision), I’m going to post the recipe for these sweet, soft and yet crispy bundles of bliss:

White-chocolate dipped gingersnaps

You will need:


I only dipped the front half of the gingersnaps – the chocolate is very sweet, so I think dipping an entire cookie, or even half – front and back – would be too much…. even for my uber-sweet teeth.

These are SO GOOD!

One cup of white chocolate melts will cover 2 dozen cookies easily, but the recipe makes more than 4 dozen.  I simply rolled the remaining dough, as though ready to bake, and then placed the dough balls in the freezer (on a cookie sheet) to harden.  After about 20 minutes your gingersnaps will be hard enough that you can divide them up in dozens and put into freezer bags so you can have a decadent treat another day.  Pre-hardening them will stop them from glomming together into one large frozen mass – so it’s optional, but I recommend it.


It’s almost the weekend and you’ve worked hard all week….  it’s time to prep for a “you day”.

If people protest to your pillows, fire, candles, tea and white chocolate dipped gingersnaps – share a few and they’ll forgive you.

Quick and easy Christmas treats, Christmas baking, Holiday baking, ginger snaps, cC

Have a great one!

6 Responses

  1. I am a cookie maker and cookie eater so off to the kitchen I go! Thanks for the recipe. I can almost taste them now!

    1. They are SOOOOO good – if you don’t like cloves, you can leave them out and they are still delicious. I may have to go get a few now to dip in my hot chocolate – calories be damned! lol

  2. Oh yum! I love ginger snaps, but would never have thought to dip them in white chocolate. Definitely adding this one to my list of things to try, and pinning! Nice to meet you on the Weekend Retreat!

    1. Nice to meet you too! Beware, the cookies are deadly addictive – and the scrumptious chocolate has found a happy home on my hips. Well worth the sacrifice though lol. Thank you for taking the time to comment.