My Mom makes meringues.

She makes a LOT of meringues.

Up until I made this recipe, I’d assumed that she adored meringues for the volume she turned out.

Now I know that a little goes a looooooong way.  (No wonder she kept offering them to us!)

This recipe – adapted from Kraft Canada uses 3/4 of a cup of egg whites and it makes roughly 140 meringue poppers.

This is the kind of treat you want to make when you have to send snacks to school for parties, birthdays or perhaps Valentine’s Day?  These meringue poppers are absolutely scrumptious, but trust me, you’ll want to have at least 30 hungry kids to eat all of these.



Preheat oven to 250 degrees fahrenheit.

Line several cookie sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

Put your egg whites, Jello and sugar into a mixing bowl and beat on high-speed until stiff peaks form – approximately 4 minutes.  (scrape the bowl occasionally to make sure everything is well combined.)

Add in your white vinegar and beat until just combined.

Scoop into a large plastic bag or icing bag.

Cut off bottom corner of the bag and squeeze out meringue into 2″ mounds, spaced about an inch apart.

Easy meringue poppers, Jello meringue, flavoured meringue cookies, meringue poppers



It’s crazy how many you’ll make!

Bake each tray for 40 minutes.  The outside of your meringue poppers will be hard, but the centres will be softer.

Easy meringue poppers, Jello meringue, flavoured meringue cookies, meringue poppers

Cool on a baking rack and store in an airtight container once completely cooled.

We made cherry meringue poppers and they were soooo good, and very easy since the mixer did most of the work.

Easy meringue poppers, Jello meringue, flavoured meringue cookies, meringue poppers

I was chatting with my Mom on Facetime while I was making these and she was laughing at my shock over the quantity you get from 3/4 cup of egg whites.

The only thing to keep in mind is the cooking time.  I made 7 cookie sheets worth, times 40 minutes each sheet = just shy of 5 hours to bake.  Not something you can whip out the morning of the class party.

Both girls took enough cherry meringue poppers for their entire class(es), I shared some with a friend and then the four of us polished off the rest.

We made a lot, but because they are just “poppers” it’s pretty easy to down 4 or 5 at a time without even realizing it.  (My pants noticed, but my mouth couldn’t stop)

Easy meringue poppers, Jello meringue, flavoured meringue cookies, meringue poppers

Maddie and Chloe’s classes have already had their Valentine’s treats (so I could write this post), but this really is a simple and prolific treat for classes, church meetings or office pot-lucks.

Easy meringue poppers, Jello meringue, flavoured meringue cookies, meringue poppers

The cherry flavour (or whatever Jello you choose) really takes these to the next level.

Have a great one!


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5 Responses

  1. Interesting recipe! My grandma used to make meringues with a recipe that had sugar and egg whites and dark chocolate chips. (I don’t remember what else, but I’m sure no jello) And the recipe called for a low oven temp, but once you put the meringues in, you were supposed to turn the oven off and leave them in overnight without opening the oven. They were crispy on the outside and gooey yummy inside… mmm so good! btw, that was about 50 years ago. ;)

    1. Those are the ones my Mom still makes and they are fantastic – these are a close second (for nostalgia reasons, not because of flavour).
      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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