What is the best thing to clean stainless steel?
To rate something as the “best thing” to clean stainless steel – or anything for that matter – it has to be effective, inexpensive, multi-purpose, easy-to-use and ideally non-toxic/environmentally friendly. I’m happy to report I’ve found it! I’m popping in

Cleaning stained mugs – coffee, tea, and cutlery scuffs easily removed
Embarrassed by dingy and marked dishware? I have found the absolute easiest method for cleaning stained mugs, dishes, pots, pans, and knives! One product – all natural – inexpensive and FAST. Check out all of the before and afters from

Make your own K-cup holder
There are so many K-cup (Keurig/coffee) pod organizers out there that there’s one for just about every need. But none of them hold very many pods. Today I’m showing how I whipped up this K-cup holder that holds 28 pods,

An In-Depth Guide to Cleaning Plant Leaves for Indoor Plant Owners
Did you know it’s important to clean the leaves on your indoor plants? Dust accumulation on the leaves can actually impede photosynthesis and decrease plant respiration causing slow to no growth and even the possibility of killing off your plant. This article

Labelling your electrical panel
Labelling your electrical panel is important for 4 big reasons: 1. it’s an electrical code requirement 2. for safety. 3. to identify overloaded circuits and 4. to easily identify breakers for DIY or renovation projects We built our house in

A quick win with drawer organizers
Whether you build them or buy them, drawer organizers can actually save you money… and this set cost less than the dollar store! January is coming to an end, and with that my major push for organization… there are only