Why You Absolutely Need This Free Library Card Printable to Keep Track of Your Reading Goals for 2025

Ah, the fresh start of a new year! A time of endless possibilities, ambitious resolutions, freezing cold weather and, if you’re anything like me, towering piles of books that you swear you’ll get through this time. But let’s be real—by March, that TBR (To Be Read) list starts looking more like an abandoned wish list.

That’s where this free Library Card printable comes in. Trust me, your 2025 reading goals (and your inner book nerd) will thank you. Why? Let’s break it down:

1. It Keeps Track of Your Favourite Authors (So you don’t forget who stole your heart)

You know the struggle—you binge-read an amazing book, fall head over heels for the author, and then completely forget their name the next time you’re browsing the shelves. This printable library card will keep all your favorites in one spot, so you can stay loyal to your literary soulmates. No more awkward Googling: “Who wrote that book with the talking cat and time travel?!”

Library card printable, reading checklist, library card, reading goals

2. Book Scores: Because Not Every Read is a Winner

Some books are life-changing. Some… well, let’s just say they make you question why you spent three days reading them instead of rewatching your comfort show for the 17th time. With this printable, you can rate your books on a scale of Must-Read to Why Did I Do This to Myself?—saving future-you from repeating past-you’s mistakes.

3. It’s a Checklist for How You Spent Your Spare Time a.k.a. Proof you have a life(-ish)

Nothing says productivity like a well-documented list of books read. Imagine impressing your friends with an actual log of your literary achievements: “Oh, you watched reality TV for six hours? That’s cool. I just finished a 600-page historical fiction novel.” With this printable, you can flex your reading muscles while keeping track of your bookish adventures.

4. Avoid That Awkward Kindle Unlimited Moment (You know the one)

You plan to devour so many books in 2025, but you can’t remember who’s recommended what?  Use this Library card printable as a wishlist for future books that friends, Reese, and TikTok are recommending.

Once you’ve read them, you can add your own rating to share with friends, or to compare to the critics so you’ll know going forward who’s recommendations you agree with, and who’s in it for a buck (ahem TikTok).

Library card printable, reading checklist, library card, reading goals

(The Ex Hex and Out on a Limb were both TikTok recommendations… and 5 hours of my life that I can’t get back.)

5. Bonus: It’s a Perfect Excuse to Buy More Cute Stationery

Let’s be honest—half the fun of keeping track of books is having a cute way to do it. Print this out, grab some fun-colored pens, and suddenly, your reading life looks Pinterest-worthy.

Ready to Get Organized? Download Your Free Library Card Printable Now!

Don’t let your 2025 reading goals spiral into chaos. Stay on top of your book game with this handy, free Library Card printable. Grab yours today and start conquering that TBR pile—one well-documented read at a time!

Library card printable, reading checklist, library card, reading goalsading list