I’ve meant to share this post for about 3 years now and never have, but with Christmas just around the corner comes the urge to spoil your fur baby.

Stores are showcasing pet clothes, toys, treats and beds with the same abundance that you’d find these things for your kids…

I’m going to do you one better…

I am going to show you the very BEST dog bed you can get, and it’s cheap (if not free).

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

It’s a crib mattress!

We tested this out with our Old English Sheepdog years ago and this was his favourite place to nap – especially as his joints got older and the weather colder. Often we’d find our golden retriever AND sheepdog snuggled up on it. Hands down the best dog bed we ever had.

You know how dogs tend to go in circles around and around before lying down? Sometimes they even claw at the bed before snuggling in? With big dogs, these tactics and manoeuvres DESTROY store-bought dog beds. The fabric rips, the stuffing shifts and don’t even get me started on how clumpy these dog beds get after you’ve washed them. You have a dog – you know.

We went through at least one dog bed (per pet) per year they were alive – UNTIL we came across this brilliant tip.

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

Crib mattresses are plastic-coated and made to be durable – but who wants to buy a new crib mattress for a dog? Not at $100 plus per.

The great news is that dogs love, love, LOVE used crib mattresses. The more baby poop, pee and milk pukes the better (not that the mattresses will show these stains, but I’m sure some scent remains). Baby smells are like cocaine to Mom’s and dogs both!

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

I was able to pick up this crib mattress free, but in the past I’ve seen them for about $10 – a considerable gap from both new mattresses and from store-bought dog beds.

The plastic coating means that water, mud and dirt will just wipe off, and fleas won’t infest the bed.

Another thing you can do if you want to make it more ‘comfortable’ for your furry friend, is just get a used crib sheet and cover it. Easy-on, easy-off and easy to wash. Tell me that isn’t the best dog bed going?

Miss Lacey is a tad timid and wasn’t being cooperative in having her photo taken – but sometimes the proof is in the pudding right?

Check out these other fur babies enjoying their new beds! (many images were “uploaded by user” so I wasn’t able to link to specific blogs. My apologies to the original owners)

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

If you want something fancier than just a mattress, check out these plans to build a gorgeous frame for it:

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

Put one at the foot of your bed and save your carpet from pet hair, dirt and that lovely doggy smell. You know I gotta say it – BEST dog bed!

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

Try it – worst case you’re out $10, best case I’ve just saved you at least $50 and your pet will be wag-happy!

Dog bed, best dog bed, crib mattress dog bed, crib mattress pet bed, repurposed crib mattress, up cycled crib mattress

It’s not really meant for Otis and Phoebe – but they took over – so really, it’s a great gift idea for all of your fur babies. lol

Have a great one!

6 Responses

  1. Really nice! Thank you for the money saving idea and for my foster dogs, a terrific way to look out the window. I was using a co-sleeper but it has been “watered” one time too many..this will be much more useful.

    1. You’re very welcome – I actually stop people at Costco at Christmas time when I see they have a gift for their fur-baby in their cart. My dogs LOVED the crib mattress and it was so much more durable and easy to clean than the expensive store beds.

  2. Hey, can you tell me, are those 4×4 posts..they look smaller in the picture but there is no such thing as a 3×3. I really want to make this bed!

  3. Is there a pattern for the comforter covers? Really need this! Thank you

  4. How ingenious for a pet bed! $10.00 mattresses were probably bought at a resale shop? I have seen crib mattresses at Salvation Army but never thought to use them for a pet bed!! Bravo! And I’m sure the landfill thanks you too!!!

  5. Excellent idea! My cat gets mad at the dog when he decides to get grumpy and growl at her and then she gets even by peeing on the dog bed! Of course I have to wash it or buy a new one frequently as the dog gets older and grumpier. And no the cat doesn’t have a bladder problem the vet checked. It’s just a little war! But a plastic covered crib mattress will be wonderful! No more stinky cat pee, plus he’s a big dog over a hundred pounds so he might be a lot more comfortable and maybe less grumpy from the pain of old age!